Our team

Our team consists of passionate creatives working together to bring art and culture into the world. We are dedicated to exploring new ideas, delivering inspirational content, and providing a platform for artists to showcase their work. With our vibrant energy we strive to inspire creativity in everyone.
Olivia Don
Art Blog Editor
The Art Blog Editor is responsible for editing, creating and proof-reading blog posts as well as managing content across the website. The editor will need to have a keen eye for detail and produce reviews, interviews and articles discussing contemporary art-related topics. They may also be expected to work with other team members in order to ensure that all posts are accurate, engaging and consistent with the overall tone of the site.
John Poll
Art Writer
The Art Writer will craft engaging, original content that explores and celebrates the vibrant world of art. This includes analyzing artist works, researching new trends in artwork, and writing compelling pieces about art movements. The writer should have a knack for storytelling and strong knowledge of modern media as well as an understanding of digital marketing strategies.